Bulawayo Clean-up Operation – VISET Statement
Vendors Initiative for Social and Economic Transformation (VISET) notes with concern the developments in Bulawayo Central Business District (CBD) this morning.
Of particular concern to us as an organisation is that the skirmishes that are taking place were completely avoidable had there not been actions by a shadowy group and individuals claiming to have political influence. These are the ones that have apparently appropriated themselves the allocation of stalls and receiving of payments, to the detriment of those allocated by the Bulawayo City Council (BCC). The illegal traders have also allegedly been involved in the selling of illicit substances, this at a time when President Mnangagwa has called for a nationwide crackdown on the sale and distribution of drugs and dangerous substances.
We acknowledge that the chaos obtaining at Fifth Avenue had to be acted upon in order to restore sanity, however we appeal to the BCC and law enforcement to exercise restraint as some of our bonafide traders have been caught in the crossfire.
As VISET and indeed our sister organisations operating in Bulawayo, we commit to working within the confines of the law and cooperating with BCC to making sure that the splendour of the City of Kings and Queens is restored.