(Mon - Sat)
Eastlea Harare


Conduct a mapping exercise unpacking the dynamics of unpaid care work in the Informal Economy in Zimbabwe.


The Vendors Initiative for Social and Economic Transformation (VISET) is a union of informal traders with structures throughout Zimbabwe. The organization was formed in 2015 to spearhead the social and economic transformation of informal traders by championing their quest to earn dignified livelihoods in the current economic circumstances. VISET’s programmatic thrust is anchored on three pillars:

  1. Taking action to defend, promote and expand the rights of street vendors,
  2. Improve the working conditions of street vendors and
  3. Strengthen their capacities to trade profitably and grow their businesses. The membership of the organisation is made up of street traders, small and medium enterprises, cross border traders and small tuck-shop owners.

Existing patterns in the division of labor between men and women manifest inherited differences and deeply rooted inequalities. Unpaid care work entails a systemic transfer of hidden subsidies to the rest of the economy that go unrecognized, imposing a systematic time-tax on women throughout their life cycle. These hidden subsidies signal the existence of power relations between men and women; also, they connect the “private” worlds of households and families with the “public” spheres of markets and the state in exploitative ways. “Unpaid work” includes all non-remunerated work activities and it is safe to say that it lacks social recognition and is undervalued. Paid work refers to time contracted out that receives remuneration and is highly valued as an economic activity. Women are overrepresented among the underpaid and unprotected workers with in the informal economy in Bulawayo, Chiwundura, Harare and Goromonzi provinces in Zimbabwe where the mapping will take place. Despite women’s contributions to the economy, returns to education are lower for them, gender-based wage differentials persist, and market segmentation and occupational segregation further exacerbate inequalities. Gender disparities in the division of labor between paid and unpaid work also persist, with men spending more of their work time in remunerative employment and women performing most of the unpaid work. There is limited knowledge on how women enterprises are structured, and the challenges manifesting in the sector, the opportunities for growth, how the policy framework supports or does not support women in the informal sector, the informal social security mechanisms adopted by women, the intersectionality of unpaid care work and women in the informal sector and the policy and legislative frameworks  and capacity building required to support women enterprises and how they can deal with challenges in the informal sector.


The consultant is expected to:

  • Map out women situated in unpaid care work, their identities, vulnerabilities, and their involvement and roles in the informal sector in Bulawayo, Chiwundura, Harare and Goromonzi.
  • Examine the policy framework supporting women in the informal sector and policy frameworks on unpaid care.
  • To identify possible linkages and the intersectionality between the informal sector and unpaid care.
  • Identify social security mechanisms that informal sector women are using in Bulawayo, Chiwundura, Harare and Goromonzi

The mapping exercise will be based on broad and meaningful consultations of women in the informal sector, development partners, policy makers and other key stakeholders. Key activities include desk research with a view of identifying key themes, commonalities, identify gaps. Data collection with the help of VISET structures supported by VISET staff, data analysis, reporting and presentation of research findings during a validation process and development of a Policy Brief.


The consultant is expected to use a convergent mixed-method approach combining quantitative and qualitative methods. We will do document review, survey, key informant interviews (KIIs) and Focus Group Discussions (FDGs) to have an in-depth understanding the size, composition, and key characteristics of the informal sector.


  • A detailed report of the findings clearly outlines the situation of women in the informal sector and the intersectionality with unpaid care and domestic work.
  • A summary of existing or lack of the policy frameworks supporting women in the informal sector and unpaid care
  • An Evidence based framework/road map on how women’s work in the informal sector and care work can be valued.
  • Recommendations to guide establishment of policy framework that can the informal sector.


  • Inception report (not more than 5 pages) including approach/methodologies to be used including data collection tools, work plan, proposed outline of the final report.
  •  A final descriptive and analytic mapping report of the findings which should be no more than 30 pages for the 4 targeted communities combined with appropriate options and recommendations.
  • Presentation of finding during a validation work
  • A Policy Brief


The assignment shall be carried within a period of 30 days effective from the date of signing the contract.


Payment will be made upon successful completion of the assignment.


The consultant will report to the VISET Manager and closely liaise with the Oxfam Gender Justice and Women’s Rights Coordinator, and Social Norms Adviser.


  • The consultant(s) should possess the following
  • Advanced degree in social sciences, community development/gender studies, monitoring and evaluation or project management with experience in similar assignment.
  • Extensive experience in gender analysis in informal sector and unpaid care work will be an added advantage
  • Knowledge and experience in working with marginalised groups such as women, persons with disability and youths.
  • Knowledge and experience in participatory methodologies and approaches
  • Knowledge and experience in research and participatory methodologies and using approaches such FGDs and KIIs
  • Experience in data analysis, presentation methods and report writing.
  • Fluency in English and local language (Shona and/or Ndebele) will be an advantage.
  • Minimum 5 years’ experience and track record carrying out research in the development sector.
  • Knowledge of using KOBO collect and other mobile data collection tools, qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis approaches


Interested candidates should submit not later than 22 April, an expression of interest, detailed budget, work plan and their CVs to info@visetonline.org . Please note that CVs will be reviewed on a rolling basis and only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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