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Vendors Initiative for Social and Economic Transformation (VISET) joins fellow Zimbabweans in celebrating Heroes Day.

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  • Vendors Initiative for Social and Economic Transformation (VISET) joins fellow Zimbabweans in celebrating Heroes Day.

Our young country was birthed from the sacrifices of many men and women who had to forego life’s comforts in order to bring about self-determination for the majority. These compatriots had to make a home in neighboring countries away from family and friends, and for that we equally pay homage to the departed leaders of the former frontline states.

For the successful execution of any struggle to take place however, there has to be support from the people, hence in reflecting, we cannot forget the role that millions in villages played in ensuring that fighters were clothed, fed and given information on the enemy forces. These people are also indeed heroes.

Today we are faced with a war of economic survival and it is one being fought by the millions of men and women in the Informal Economy to ensure not only survival for themselves and loved ones, but for the nation at large. Following the fast track land reform programme, many firms up and left Zimbabwe, with the roaring industries of Southerton and Belmont falling silent. The Informal Economy stepped into the breach to begin manufacturing of basic agricultural components and today we see the sale of all manner of products such as grinding mills, maize shellers, automated tillers, peanut butter machines and various food manufacturing equipment, all made from local components. We do not forget the millions that get up every day to sell wares across the country even in these times of COVID-19. The examples of heroic acts by Zimbabweans are too many to mention, but are indeed bountiful around us.

Happy Heroes Day and may we reflect on the words of the legendary musician Oliver Mtukudzi; ‘What is a hero?’

Prepared By VISET Information and Publicity Department

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