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VISET Holds a CivActs Community Listening Meeting in Ward 21 Bromley Goromonzi District

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  • VISET Holds a CivActs Community Listening Meeting in Ward 21 Bromley Goromonzi District

Vendors Initiative for Social and Economic Transformation (VISET) held a community listening meeting in Ward 21 Bromley Goromonzi District on Wednesday the 4th of May 2022. The meeting which was graced by the Ward Councillor, Wonderford Nyamarumbe traditional leadership and members of the community sought to hear development needs and challenges faced by informal traders.

Issues brought to the fore included that of market construction at Bromley shopping centre, poor road network, need for training on value addition and market linkages, as most traders were limited to selling amongst themselves owing to transport challenges. The need for provision of water was a key concern raised as most of their water sources dry up in the last quarter of the year. Financing for product diversification and reordering was also a prominent challenge for traders.

In presenting the way forward, Edward Kapodogo said the next stage of the programme was the commissioning of a community survey, followed by presentation at an all stakeholders meeting that will bring community members in touch with solution holders.

Councillor Nyamarumbe thanked VISET for coming through and expressed the hope that as outlined in the roadmap, there would be greater interaction and he implored the community to fully participate in the upcoming survey.

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