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Eastlea Harare

VISET Slams Proposed Emergency Levy

Vendors Initiative for Social and Economic Transformation (VISET) notes with dismay the City of Harare proposed 2025 budget by the Finance and Development Committee Chairperson Councillor Costa Mande on 12 November 2024.

The budget proposal, running under the theme “Enhancing Service Delivery: Building a Sustainable Green Future Together” contains many ambitious targets, but of concern to us are the proposed emergency services and street lighting levies. The emergency services levy is ostensibly being introduced to cater for the purchase of new ambulances, as the city is said to only have 4 functional ones, against the requirement of 32.

There can be no doubt that emergency services are critical to the well-being of residents in the capital, however what is problematic in our view is the ready recourse to taxing residents who are battling to survive the already existing economic hardships.

It is our considered view that the city can more than meet the health, education, water and sanitation needs of its residents should it choose to implement sound Public Finance Management (PFM) principles. It borders on criminality how the city continues to operate without a proper billing system, and a secure asset register of its properties. You do not need to take our word for it, these are just some of the revelations from the ongoing Commission of Inquiry into the governance of Harare City Council! Cases of fraud and corruption by council officials over the years have been reported, with no attempts at tightening governance controls. In such instances, it would be irresponsibility of the highest order to entrust more public funds into such a porous system!

As VISET, we call upon the City of Harare to revisit their budget proposal to ensure they meet the spirit of contributions made by our membership during budget consultation meetings, and indeed the public to comply with the Abuja and Dakar Declarations on health and education budget allocations respectively. We also call upon government to ensure the speedy conclusion of the commission of inquiry, with action taken on all governance issues identified and charging of any public officials found in the wrong.

Finally, to the Mayor of the City of Harare and his councillors, we call upon them to summon the same resources and resolve they demonstrated on the refurbishment of Rufaro Stadium, to ensure that they cater to the health and education needs of their residents!

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